Modernize a sua rifa*
Uma ferramenta para profissionais e associações para gerir facilmente os principais aspectos de um jogo de rifas: venda de bilhetes, sorteio sem esforço e distribuição de resultados com um único clique.
* rifa / lotaria / angariação de fundos

Lance a sua rifa sem esforço
Página pública
Crie em minutos a sua página web pública para distribuir bilhetes, sem ser um especialista!
Código QR
Descarregue, imprima e partilhe o seu código QR digital e uma pequena ligação com a sua comunidade!
Venda de bilhetes
Centralize as suas vendas de bilhetes num único local, seja 100% digital ou híbrido (bilhetes digitais + em papel)
Sorteio de bilhetes
Faça o seu sorteio e obtenha os vencedores instantaneamente, ou descarregue a sua lista de bilhetes e imprima-a para fazer o sorteio sozinho!
Resultados do vencedor
Publique os seus resultados online com um clique e notifique instantaneamente os seus participantes por correio eletrónico com resultados personalizados!
Angariação de fundos
Cada pagamento é recolhido direta e instantaneamente na sua conta HelloAsso, Stripe ou Paypal, sem ter de lidar com dinheiro!
Disponibilizamos muitas funcionalidades úteis para garantir o sucesso da sua operação!
Para organizações sem fins lucrativos e empresas de todas as dimensões, recolha fundos facilmente
Agir agora e aumentar as suas vendas, poupar tempo e ser moderno com a nossa solução!
Small or big community? Raise more funds!
Sports Club
Shop / Artist
Works Council
Charity / Fundation
Company / Enterprise
No matter the size of your project
it's made for you!
Engage your private, local, regional, national or international community
Sell 100 / 1,000 / 10,000... 1,000,000 tickets
Communicate in 1, 2, 5, 10 languages over 1 or multiple countries
More than 500 organizations already convinced
You can start for free now !
Free Plan
Try Starter plan features up to €200 raised and 40 participations
Activate the Flex* option to exceed these limits
Subscribe to a plan tailored to your operation
Choose your plan according to your objectives !
Simple pricing. No Surprises.
You want to know more about our pricing?
*By activating the Flex option free of charge, you can exceed the limit of your plan, in which case you will be charged 3.6% incl. tax for the excess, in addition to the plan price.
Available in over 15 languages and 10 currencies
Frequently asked questions
First of all, it's important to know the difference, in the legal sense of the term, between a lottery and a tombola. In a tombola, participants can buy as many tickets as they wish. The more tickets they have, the greater their chances of winning. In a lottery (often referred to as a commercial lottery), each participant can only acquire one entry (whether free or not). All participants therefore have the same chance of winning. In France, all not-for-profit organizations (associations, foundations, etc.) may organize a maximum of 4 tombolas per year. Professionals can organize commercial lotteries. In both cases, GoTombola can help ;)
The cost of the solution is based on the progress of your operation in terms of the amount raised, number of participants or sales. You can choose from several packages to find the one best suited to your operation. If you don't know how your fund-raising operation will perform, you can opt for the Flex option to be billed for the actual amount you generate. You can also opt for a pack to get a preferential rate on the first part of the collection + flex option for what would exceed the pack thresholds. From the management interface, you can also purchase certain options which will be invoiced in addition to the pack amount. Finally, depending on the integrated payment method chosen, a (very small) amount may be deducted from each sale by the payment service provider. For further information, please consult these articles:
You can create your page very quickly, even if you don't have all the information, including batches. Your management interface will enable you to complete and modify all the information. When you create your page, you'll also be able to benefit from more in-depth support from our teams via the integrated chat function.
When it's your first operation, it's often difficult to define the number of tickets and their value. To help you find the answer to this question, we invite you to consult our projects to find examples similar to your own. We are also at your disposal to discuss, advise and guide you in your decision. For inspiration, you can consult our examples.
As the organizer, you are responsible for your event, its organization and its running, in compliance with current legislation. We are at your disposal to advise you if you have any doubts. GoTombola reserves the right to stop any operation at the request of the competent authorities.
Ready to get started?
Register and set up your page + integrated messaging support, free!
Want to contact us?
Contact GoTombola
Have something to say? We are here to help. Fill up the form or send email.