Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (hereinafter the "Privacy Policy") sets out the conditions under which personal data is processed by GOTOMBOLA, a simplified joint stock company, registered in the Beauvais Trade and Companies Register under number 905398129, having its registered office at 147, rue d'en Haut, Ansacq, 60250, France, (hereinafter "GoTombola"), concerning Internet users browsing the Website and its Customers (hereinafter the "Users").

Terms appearing with an initial capital letter that are not defined in the Privacy Policy are defined in the Company's General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use.

The User's personal data is processed by GoTombola as data controller. GoTombola complies in all circumstances with the regulations applicable to it regarding the protection of personal data, in particular the provisions of the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended and Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter together the "Personal Data Regulation").

The personal data concerned by the processing carried out hereunder are :

identification data such as surname, first name, e-mail, address, etc;

data relating to the User's interactions with the Website;

data relating to purchasing behaviour;

and location data.


Customer Account information is processed to create and manage the Customer Account. The legal basis for this processing is consent. Consent may be withdrawn at any time. However, the User's personal data must be communicated in order to create a Customer Account. Refusal to provide such data will make it impossible to create a Customer Account.

Information relating to orders for Products and/or Services is collected for the purposes of processing and tracking orders, as well as for fraud prevention, statistical analysis and customer knowledge. The legal basis for this processing is the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use. The User's personal data must be communicated in order to place an order on the Website. Refusal to provide such data will make it impossible to process any order.

Personal data is hosted by a service provider located in the European Union,

whose identity and contact details are specified in the Website's legal notice.

The User is informed that GoTombola may also share personal data with public bodies or authorities upon request in order to comply with a legal obligation or to protect rights and with potential future purchasers in compliance with the Personal Data Regulations.

Certain personal data may be passed on to GoTombola's partners (the "Subsequent Subcontractors"). GoTombola's Third-Party Subcontractors have their own privacy policies to which the User is invited to refer. In any event, these partners are only authorized to use Personal Data in the context of the activities described above that they carry out on behalf of GoTombola and solely for the purposes set out herein.

GoTombola informs the User of any additions or modifications to the scope of the processing carried out by Subsequent Subcontractors by updating its Privacy Policy. The User is invited to consult this Privacy Policy on a regular basis and to inform GoTombola in writing of any objections to a Third-Party Processor as soon as possible.


Users' personal data is retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which GoTombola collected the data, to meet Users' needs or to fulfill its legal or regulatory archiving obligations.

GoTombola applies the following criteria to determine the length of time personal data is retained:

in the case of orders for Products and/or Services: personal data is kept for the duration of the contractual relationship and three years after collection or last contact with the User, for commercial prospecting purposes;

GoTombola may keep certain data in order to fulfil its legal or regulatory obligations in terms of archiving, to enable it to exercise its rights and/or for statistical or historical purposes.

At the end of the above-mentioned periods, personal data will be deleted or GoTombola will proceed with their anonymization.


The User has the right to access, rectify, delete (erase), port his or her personal data, limit the processing and oppose the processing of his or her data collected and processed by GoTombola, by contacting GoTombola directly at the following email address:

In the event of a complaint, the User may contact the CNIL, the competent authority for the protection of personal data, at the following address: 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, telephone: 01 53 73 22 22.


Cookies are pieces of information placed by a website on a User's equipment when they visit the Website. A cookie does not necessarily contain the User's name or e-mail address.

Cookies are used to store information relating to the navigation of the User's terminal on the Website, such as the pages visited by the User or the date and time of the visit. This enables the page to display information tailored to the User's needs.

The Website uses "cookie" technology, which enables statistical processing of data and provides detailed information concerning, in particular, the number of Users who have accessed the Website, the methods of accessing the Website and the number of times each User has accessed the Website.

GoTombola uses different types of cookies for different purposes:

Functional: Essential

Audience measurement: Optional

The installation of certain cookies is subject to the User's consent, when their exclusive purpose is not to enable or facilitate navigation on the Website, or when they are not strictly necessary for the supply of Products and/or Services, or for the management of the relationship with the User. When visiting the Website for the first time, the User is informed by a banner of the conditions under which cookies are deposited on his/her terminal, and may refuse or accept them freely.

The User can always refuse the storage of cookies by configuring his browser. Complete deactivation of essential cookies may prevent the User from using all the interactive functions of the Website.

If using Internet Explorer TM :

In Internet Explorer, click on the "Tools" button, then on "Internet Options".

In the General tab, under "Browsing history", click on "Settings".

Click on the "Show files" button.

Click on the "Name" column heading to sort all files alphabetically, then scroll down until you see files beginning with the prefix "Cookie" (all cookies have this prefix and usually contain the name of the website that created the cookie).

Select the relevant cookie(s) and delete.

Close the window containing the list of files, then click twice on OK to return to Internet Explorer.

If using Firefox TM :

Go to the browser's "Tools" tab, then select the "Options" menu.

In the window that appears, select "Privacy" and click on "Show cookies".

Locate the files concerned, then select and delete them.

If using Safari TM :

In this browser, select "Edit > Preferences".

Click on "Security

Click on "Show cookies

Select the cookies concerned and click on "Delete" or "Delete all".

After deleting cookies, click on "Finish".

If using Google Chrome TM :

Click on the "Tools" menu icon.

Select "Options".

Click on the "Advanced Options" tab and access the "Privacy" section.

Click on the "Show cookies" button.

Locate the files concerned, select and delete them.

Click on "Close" to return to your browser.