Modernice su tómbola
Una herramienta diseñada tanto para profesionales como para asociaciones para gestionar fácilmente los principales aspectos de un juego de sorteo: venta de boletos, sorteos sin esfuerzo y distribución de resultados en un solo clic.
Gestionar rifas y loterías con GoTombola: moderno y sin esfuerzo
Good features to your operation
High Value Prizes
Prestigious prizes showcased with the partners offering them.
Auto Winner Results
Send automatic notifications to winners during the party for a guaranteed wow effect.
Live Draw
Maximum suspense with the draw broadcast live on a giant screen during your party.
Sell tickets effortless
You can customise every steps of ticket sales. What informations you want to collect, tickets quantities, possibility of making additional donations, payment solutions, etc.
Quick and easy participation
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